Saturday, March 31, 2007

Download Site Creator

Are You Unintentionally Bugging Members of Your Membership Site? Do They Have To Wade Through Long, Unending Pages To Find The Products They Want?

You don't have to go through the pain-in-the-butt process of updating an HTML download page anymore! Nor will your members have to suffer from finger-scrolling fatigue from scrolling down a long, bulky page.

Introducing Download Site Creator

This simple but powerful little script will help you run a download gallery where you can neatly categorize all of your eproducts!

The creator of this script put it together for her own membership site and the change from a plain download HTML file to a categorized script was warmly welcomed by members of her site!

Isn't it time you stopped manually creating download galleries and started automating the process as much as possible?

Why Use Download Site Creator?

* DSC is easily customizable (with header and footer files.)

* DSC allows you to easily create categories and add downloads.

* DSC is VERY user friendly!

* DSC allows you to set the number value to start off with for the 'Number Downloaded' statistic.

* You will be able to add, edit and delete downloads quickly.

* The Add Download form doesn't add extra, unnecessary details or require you to fill in irrelevent details, like many download scripts do.

* No need to worry about an excessively large download page.

* No need to manually edit any HTML!

* No need to upload aforementioned HTML file.

* DSC is a work in progress! Plans are in order to continuously improve the script

What Difference Will This Script Make For Members of Your Membership Site?

* The download page will appear neater and more professional to your members.

* Members will be able to locate eproducts a lot easier! You'll be saving them from time and frustration.

Be forewarned that there are many free download scripts out there. Most of them, though, lack in the basic usability found with DSC.

Retail Value: $19.97
Product Rights: Master Resell Rights
