"Discover One of the Arsenal Tools for Creating Your Own Info Products & Online Software and Powered It Virally "
Finally... The one tool that creates e-Book dynamically where it gives you freedom how you want to create your content from online resource of offline resource!
Has it ever crossed your mind that creating an info product & online software is a big challenge?
Do you know how to compile the information you want and then package it right to create the kind of product that you always want to deliver?
How much have you spent and wasted in creating this info product without you being frustrated?
Do You Want To Give a Taste of Your Own Product to Your Visitors Without Being Ripped Off?
How many times have you created your own info products and soon found out that your product has been duplicated and abusively used by some unknown entity that has made you REALLY MAD & UPSET?
You felt like you need a better protection for your product copyright without you breaking your pocket. Then how about installing some expensive script that hard to use and unfriendly and gets it to your nerve
The Most Powerful Element of Marketing is called VIRAL!
How do you want your satisfied customer to tell a good thing about you? Do you want them to be your no.1 marketing hands and army of affiliates?
Can you create your own product that does VIRAL system?
Have you ever learn how to market your product using VIRAL system or tell a friend system?
Survey has shown that for every bad service an upset customer will talk to other 5 people. And for every one good service a satisfied customer will only talk to 1 person.
Sounds hard to promote your market? And you need some tool that can do it right away inside your product?
Has Your Current e-Book Creator create the Right Product for You?
In general most of e-book creators are only creating content by uploading the content from the form of HTML or text.
Hardly any of them that does grab online content right away, and create a product based on online content.
Imagine this a solution we are offering you is about to change the way, you ever created your product on fly .
2 Ways of Making Your Digital Info Product:
1. Use live web pages - This means if you have an article that you want to use for creating your product, you do not need to copy and re-format the style so it suits your way.
* You can create a SPECIAL ACCESS to membership site, where it does not shows the URL of the website
* You can direct people to a special affiliate page that will protect your affiliate link and protect your affiliate commission being stolen
* Simple to view online content without your reader need to remember about your URL, and you lose sale as they forget your link. You just need to give them the output *.exe file and the just need to click it and the information is displayed right to their desktop
2. Add offline files from your hard drive - This is the most common features from any e-book creator where it loads the information from your current HTML page and load it in simple page and make like a special page where you can click forward and backward to view the content.
* Add your branding information to every e-book you create easily
* Comprehensive help system that explains everything in simple terms.
* Save your e-book settings so you can pick up where you left off at a later time
* Protect your URLs in the Live Web Link version, the URL never shows
* Create trial e-books that will expire just like shareware
* Add a password lock to your e-book to protect your content.
* Combine trial expiration and password lock to create an e-book that expires, then your users can register or purchase the password.
* Use our Viral Email Activation system right on your own web server where users must register a valid email address, and confirm it to open the e-book
* Stop right-click to ‘view source’ by disabling right clicks on HTML pages
* Add a Table of Contents automatically in the File Based compiler. (See help)
* Little or no knowledge of HTML and web pages required
* Save files from any word processing software as HTML and use the File based compiler
* Link to your existing web pages using the Live Web Linked compiler
* Live Web Linked compiler includes a re-branding tool so you can re-brand the same e-book for your affiliates and they never see any of your page link content
Retail Value: $97.00
Product Rights: Master Resell Rights
Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?fmy3hqif6su